Tooth decay and pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very special, but at the same time anxious part of a woman’s life. The expectant mother must take care not only of her own health, but also of the health of her future child. During the nine months of pregnancy, changes occur in her body, some of which affect oral health.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that during pregnancy teeth become more fragile and prone to cavities. This is not due to a change in the structure of the teeth, but is the result of a change in the diet and in particular in the increased intake of carbohydrates. Another reason is the difficulty of brushing your teeth due to the increased vomiting reflex.
Cavity is provoked by the lack of calcium in the body of the pregnant woman, by the activation of microbes against the background of reduced immunity, as well as by the composition of saliva. It, as well as its complications, create a number of unpleasant problems. Close contact between mother and child in the first months of life leads to infection of the child with maternal microbes that cause cavities, which means that the first teeth will also appear cavities.
The most common problem during pregnancy is gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). It is characterized by swelling, redness and to varying degrees growth of the gums, which bleed profusely when brushing, eating, and even spontaneously. The cause of gingivitis during pregnancy is high levels of circulating hormones in the female body and this is most pronounced in the second and third lunar months.
It used to be thought that dental treatment during pregnancy was not desirable, but now the opposite is true.
If necessary, the expectant mother should receive treatment for diseases of the oral mucosa, as well as treatment of tooth decay and its possible complications.